America’s Favorite Photos
Rekindling America’s Appreciation of Photography
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Could your photo be the next
America’s Favorite Photo and win $10,000?
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to pay anything?
What kind of photo?
Any photo (as long as it’s your photo)
Will I still own my photo?
Will I be able to change my photo?
Yes, until the start of the competition
Enter a photo in the
November/December 2024 Competition
It can be any photo
(as long as it's your photo)
The Top Favorite Photo wins $10,000!
Click Here To Upload
Your Competition Photo
PNG, JPG or HEIC up to 15MB
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You can change your photo before the Competition starts
No problem! You can upload your photo at a later time.
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I certify I own all rights to the photo I'm submitting, and agree to the
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