America’s Favorite Photos
Rekindling America’s Appreciation of Photography

There’s always something to look forward to!

During the warmest February in Minnesota, my adopted horse, Jazz, patiently waited for me to bring him a carrot while Darryl, the female chicken, snuggled up under her light. I hope you can feel the pure grace and the majestic calm that I felt!

Photo entered by
Lyndsay Bertie Profile

Amateur. I’ve been obsessed w/taking pictures since I was 4, in case I forget cool moments or forget to live in the present! I really love to be outside in nature, even if it’s shoveling up horse poop. 🤣 If America likes my picture, the money will go to animals, since they love us unconditionally.

Finished 12th in the Final Round of the Overall Annual 2024 Competition